The absolute truth about the cloud hosting service
Actually, the actual cloud web site hosting solution serves distinct hosting services such as web space, email, File Transfer Protocol, databases, DNS, stats, web space hosting Control Panel, backup, and so on, on different hosts of high-end servers. Each different service set generates a cluster. All the web servers in a cluster are devoted to serving only the given service and nothing apart from it. They will all run as one single server, sharing out the service's load in nearly equal proportions. If there is an authentic cloud web hosting service, there has to be: a web space cluster, a mail cluster, an FTP cluster, database clusters (MySQL/PostgreSQL), a DNS cluster, a stats cluster, a webspace hosting CP cluster, a backup cluster, and so on. All these individual service clusters will produce the so-called cloud site hosting platform.
The great cloud web space hosting fraud. Very widespread now.
There is so much misunderstanding circulating around about cloud web hosting today. As you can perceive,cloud hosting does not only sound perplexing, but actually it is excessively perplexing. The majority of the people are not at all aware of what cloud hosting is. On the wings of this widespread ignorance, the "cloud web hosting suppliers" speculate feverishly, just to secure the client and his/her 5 bucks a month. What a disgrace! A great shame. This is owing to the fact that in the site hosting business there are no principles whatsoever. The domain industry niche has ICANN. The site hosting industry has no such self-controlling institution. This is why the web hosting retailers speculate and lie overtly (very directly, in fact) to their customers. Chiefly the cPanel-based cloud web hosting providers. Let's see how much cloud hosting they indeed can deliver.
The truth about the cPanel-based "cloud" webspace hosting providers
If a cPanel-based site hosting corporation has a cloud hosting platform at hand, which is very unlikely, multiple web servers have to be purchased. Which is also not inexpensive. We will return to that at the end of this story. But before we do, let's examine what the cloud troubles are. So, it's quite unbelievable for a cPanel hosting provider to keep the cloud web site hosting system at hand, since making one demands years. Even when time and the provision of a proficient staff are not an issue, plenty of money must be invested too. Stacks of money. Moreover, cPanel is not open source. That's a huge obstacle.
The absence of open source cloud webspace hosting platforms
There aren't any open source cloud site hosting environments. There aren't any open source web hosting Control Panel tools (operating with the cloud web site hosting system) either. Therefore, to have a cloud web site hosting system at hand, first of all you have to build one. In-house. Second of all, you have to build the hosting Control Panel as well.
One server-based web page hosting Control Panels
Popular website hosting Control Panels like cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, etc. are constructed to perform on a single server solely. All web page hosting services (storage space, email, File Transfer Protocol, databases, DNS, statistics, webspace hosting Control Panel, backup, and so on) are being served at the very same time on a single server where these particular one-server web site hosting platforms and webspace hosting Control Panels are set up.
The shortage of open source hosting CPs
So, you must build an in-house built site hosting Control Panel that will perform perfectly and to accommodate it within the cloud system, as if it was an indelible part of it. Proper instances of custom manufactured cloud hosting platforms with custom created web page hosting Control Panels are: NTCHosting, Lonex, Exclusive Hosting, FreeHostia, OpenHost, 50Webs, 100WebSpace, Fateback, MediaTemple and ResellersPanel
Cloud web site hosting hardware provision prices
The smallest investment needed, just for the cloud web site hosting hardware provision, is equivalent to somewhere between 60,000 USD and 80 thousand dollars. That's omitting the DDoS device, which is another $15-20,000. Now you are well aware of how many cloud web site hosting systems can be detected out there... and, above all, why the hosting sky is so azure... and practically unclouded!